Paige sitting at a desk


Life has brought me to this place of writer, coach and mentor with a heart to encourage, build up and strengthen others. You matter. Your life matters and the way you live matters.

Life doesn’t have to be complicated. In our fast-paced, ever changing world, it is possible to live with a deep-rooted peace and joy that will carry you through the ‘ups and downs’ and ‘twists and turns’. I have had my fair share, and they have taught me the importance of partnering with God and living from my true identity; how my Father sees me.

As someone who was a people-pleaser, over-thinker and ‘fixer’, I have learned the benefit of exchanging the pressure to perform with a desire to partner with my Father. As a result, I have experienced freedom, joy and peace I didn’t think possible. Life is a journey and not always a straightforward one. But when we invite God to be part of it, life makes more sense, takes on more meaning and purpose, and becomes more possible.

God doesn’t call us to a life of performance but one of partnership with Him. I love to support others to live integrated, whole lives partnering with God. Then, they embrace choices aligned with who they are in Him, and impact their world.

You can live well and fulfilled, regardless of your circumstances. Thriving and living an integrated life is possible. Your life can speak and make a difference.

*Paige has a BA in Theology and an MA in German. She is a licensed coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Living in Norfolk, England with her husband, Jonathan, she is mum to four grown children and nana to two. Paige is a lover of life and people. You’ll often find her looking for beauty in unexpected places, musing on life, hiking and appreciating excellent coffee. In her spare time, she enjoys a good book and playing her flute.

What have I picked up along the way?

  • It’s never too late to start something new
  • Take the first step, then the next, and the rest will follow
  • Success is more than our ‘achievements’
  • Life is a gift
  • Gratitude changes our attitudes and perspectives
  • The way we live life is an act of worship
  • Failures, mistakes and regrets can add more goodness, beauty, truth and wisdom to life