Peace in the midst of chaos

Peace in the midst of chaos

Happy December!

This time of year can be filled with many mixed memories, emotions, and thoughts.

You may love this month, you may not. You may be in a good place, you may not. You may feel at peace. You may feel completely overwhelmed and stressed.

I think we would all agree, regardless of how we are feeling, the world is in crisis. Chaos ensues.

The enemy would love nothing more than for this chaos to penetrate your heart and take hold of your thinking and living.

But God….

In many ways, the world is a very different place to the one Jesus entered. And in other ways, it’s not.

The basic needs of people haven’t changed. The need to be known, loved, forgiven, and accepted still exists. The need for light to invade darkness, hope to fill hearts, peace to influence and regulate chaos is still evident.

God provided all this for each one of us in His Son, Jesus.

Isaiah prophesied, ‘For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’ (Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus’ birth put in motion God’s Good News for the world. His death and resurrection sealed it.

True light, hope, purpose, peace, power, forgiveness, love, acceptance, and meaningful relationship are not only accessible but attainable in Jesus.

This time of year, we remember Jesus’ birth. We go through the days of advent, a time of waiting and anticipating. Without hope, peace, joy, and love, all waiting and anticipating can feel hard and pointless. But with them, the wait and anticipation become significant to who we are and how we live.

The truth is, we are still waiting and anticipating the coming of Jesus. The first time, He came as a baby and grew to be a man. He took on our humanity so we could experience His divinity at work in us.

The next time He comes, He will come as King and Ruler in all glory and power.

Peter tells us this day will come. We don’t know when but it will happen. He writes, ‘while you are waiting …, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives…’ (2 Peter 3:14)

Before Jesus left, He said to His disciples, ‘I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.’ (John 14:27)

In Jesus’ day, it was a common practice to wish someone peace (Shalom) when leaving. It was a way of saying ‘good-bye’. By the way, did you know our ‘good-bye’ used to mean ‘God be with you.’ Over time, it has lost its meaning. In the same way, wishing someone peace had lost its meaning. It had become a trivial 'add on' to one's parting.

When Jesus said, He was leaving His disciples peace, He gave the word its real meaning. He is Peace. He is the Prince of Peace.

Jesus’ words are weighty, not meaningless. They provide a way to navigate life that is beyond anything the world can give us.

Society says we have to escape trouble to find peace. It offers distractions and things that lead to addictions as a means to cope. These counterfeits promise peace but leave us in turmoil and pain.

Jesus offers something more powerful. He gives us Himself. He is our peace.

With Him, we can live untroubled and unafraid in the midst of a world that is very troubled and afraid.

With Him, we can release His gift of peace wherever we go.

His presence makes all the difference.

So wherever you are at, whatever you are feeling and facing, make room for Jesus. Receive Him. Receive His peace.

He knows you.

He cares for you.

He understands you.

He intercedes for you.

Find moments this month to pause, breathe, and receive Jesus, your peace.

Walk through December with God’s presence, His peace, and in His power.

Breath prayer

As you breathe in, say: JE
As you breathe out, say: SUS

Make breath prayer a habit this month.
When fear and chaos come knocking, breathe and speak the name of Jesus.
Acknowledge He is your peace.

Love, grace and peace

Paige x